Saturday, August 3, 2013


It's a tall task to be a dedicated and consistent blogger. I'm doing what I can to stay in the  loop. Today,  I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade on her August Currently

So, I guess it's all self-explanatory!

On my B2s, I never would imagined that I'd be on a green tea kick, but I had to kick my 4 cokes-a-day habit. Also, I'm teaching 4 subjects this year, so organized centers and task cards are an absolute must-do.


  1. I need to finish my last project. I did some painting with chalkboard paint and need to finish up, but I am out of town right now so it will have to wait until next week. Congrats on the working out! I need to get myself back to the gym.

    1. Thanks Sherrie! I've seem a lot of people using the chalkboard paint. I'd love to see your finished product!

  2. I like that "good" sore after working out. For me it working out keeps me sane. Congrats on working out. I'm not ready to go back either.

    Toad-ally Exceptional Learners

  3. I LOVE Jill Scott! And play her cd's over and over like they just cam out! I ned summer to slow down..I love teaching but sheesh...I love a break! I've been running for the last year off and on and just got serious about two months ago, I feel like I didn't have a good workout unless I am sore, lol!

    I love your blog name and the design is adorable : )

    The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher

    1. Thank you Kathleen...! And I really appreciate your sweet email...prepare for me to ask ALOT of questions...{hugs}

  4. Hi there! I am into crafting too, but just not the clean-up at the end. :) Have a great school year.

    The Teaching Twosome

  5. I finally cleaned up...and I can now see my living room carpet! You have a great year too Shannon!
