Thursday, August 15, 2013

Shout outs!!!

I received 3 deliveries yesterday! All 3 packages are for my students so I think I must treat myself to some retail therapy this weekend...I digress.

The first package contained all my OWL flair, including my teacher bag and poster. VistaPrint did a really good job... I guess I'll forgive their constant email reminders (for a minute there it felt like we were in an "it's complicated" relationship!)

Next I received the most amazing pencil sharpener on the planet! No,'s beyond's small and unassuming, quick, and, BEST OF ALL, quiet!!! I sharpened one pencil and I was so intrigued that I finished the entire pack. I used some cheap pencils from the OneSpot at Targét and they passed the test. I'm going to try it out with my 5th graders and see how well it holds up...

My last delivery was a cute book called "Summer in the City!" It's authored by Kathleen Wainwright. It is very engaging, energizing and a dose of cuteness overload!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Texting your classes…

I’m sooo exhausted after cleaning out my new classroom today…whew! I shall not go down that road though…at least not until I can show pictures of my completed labor.  

For now, I’m pondering how I’ll incorporate more relevant technology into my classroom, I keep seeing “Remind101
After a Googling it, I discovered that I there are a few “safe” group messaging apps for teachers...apparently I'm way behind. I think I’m going to give it a whirl. Most of them are free to educators. (Apps of this kind are used to send group messages without revealing your phone number.) 

The students and parents can subscribe to your group and you can email or text updates and blasts as needed. It would be cool to see words of encouragement from your FAVORITE before those big assessments also. I foresee it being more user friendly & instant than a class website, which I have no immediate interest in…

I’m curious as to whether any of my peeps have tried group texting…here’s a link for your enjoyment!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013


It's starting...the back to school shopping is cent sales, tax free weekend, glue sticks, sharpies, flairs, post-its, pencils, tape, scented markers, composition books, wide ruled paper...Oh-Em-Jesus! I'm hyped up...or high on glue sticks...either way, I love this time of year!!!

This is just the beginning...happy shopping!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A word about VIstaPrint!

I guess this teacher blog thing isn't too bad. It's actually cathartic...I can vent and my non-teacher friends don't have to pretend to be interested, shocked, or amazed! lol!

So, a word about VistaPrint...I'm a member of a group on FB called VistaPrint Ideas for Teachers. They have some pretty cool ideas about using reward cards, post cards, posters, stamps, book marks, etc...and I stole borrowed a few of their ideas for my new classroom. I also snagged a Groupon for $70 worth of product for $17. As of right now, it's still available for 10 days. (Click here!)

Here is a sampling of what I ordered.

A cool customized poster for my OWL theme...

A couple of mini stamps...(I completely hijacked this idea...wish I'd thought of it first!)

And a not super cute but not super ugly tote bag...

OWL=Obsessed With Learning! Are you obsessed? I am!

Monday, August 5, 2013


Just like every teacher I know, I love free stuff. Waking up to a SURPRISE giveaway is getting my Monday off to a great start! Check out The Inspired Apple... for your chance to enter and WINNN!

Happy Monday peeps!

Saturday, August 3, 2013


It's a tall task to be a dedicated and consistent blogger. I'm doing what I can to stay in the  loop. Today,  I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade on her August Currently

So, I guess it's all self-explanatory!

On my B2s, I never would imagined that I'd be on a green tea kick, but I had to kick my 4 cokes-a-day habit. Also, I'm teaching 4 subjects this year, so organized centers and task cards are an absolute must-do.

Friday, August 2, 2013

DIY Pennant Banner

Everywhere I look, PENNANTS are all I see. I've been shopping for back to school items and decor and I decided to make one on my own. Let me emphasize something: I don't do DIY!

I used scraps of fabric, ribbon, Stitch Witchery, an iron, a hot glue gun, recycled letters, and some owl pics that I cut from a gift bag. (SHOUT OUT to the One Spot at Target!) I drew an isosceles triangle pattern on a piece of heavy paper, traced it on the back side of the fabric, cut the fabric, bonded the triangles to the ribbon, hot glued the letters & owl cut-outs and 20 minutes later I had a super cute, although rather busy, pennant banner to welcome my new pupils.

Easy-peezy-lemon-squeezy...! I think I'm going to use the owl ribbon to make lanyards for my howl (hall) passes :-)